
How it works.

Flexibility is fundamental to Intimis – and how you use it will be unique to your business. But this guide gives you a clear indication of the true power of this integrated, one-to-one marketing system...

Send - your campaign to prospects with a personal URL as your call to action. The example here is a piece of Direct Mail. You can also use Personal URLs in email and SMS. Intimis automatically generates Personal URLs from your prospect data list and delivers them back to you for inclusion in your campaign.

Track - which prospects respond to your campaign as they visit your website. They wont need to leave their details, the Personal URL will do the tracking for you. The example here shows a personalised microsite. Alternatively, with Intimis Tracker from Intimis 3.0, you can direct them to any web-page you have already, and the Personal URL will forward them to it, tracking as they go.

Convert - your warm prospects, tracked with Intimis Personal URLs. Intimis 3.0 includes web-based dashboards for your sales team to pick up leads and manage through to conversion. Alternatively, you can integrate data feeds from Intimis into your own CRM system.

Measure - results in real-time. Intimis 3.0 gives you web-based dashboards so you can measure and optimise campaign performance as you go. Whether you are control testing creative routes, or managing the performance of your telesales team, the reporting and management tools in Intimis 3.0 complete visibility on what’s happening, when it happens.

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Intimis Tracker

New in Intimis 3.0.
Quickly and easily track and convert warm prospects for any campaign, large or small.

Find out more about Intimis Tracker

Intimis Full Service Solutions

Intimis can give you a fully managed, cost-effective service to deliver your integrated direct marketing communications programmes from strategy, data and build, through to system configuration, deployment and reporting.

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Powered by Intimis 3.0